13 Nov Japanese Sucker Stick Mobile
Wednesday, January 15th 2025
Japanese Sucker Stick Mobile
A colourful mobile catches and holds the eye and can add interest to an otherwise uninteresting window. You can buy sucker sticks (also called Popsicle sticks) colored or dye them yourself.
Japanese Sucker Stick Mobile:
1. SUPPLIES: Coloured sucker sticks with a size 2 hole drilled in the centre, pliers, crimps (available at any crafts or beading shop), nylon fishing gut line, 1 large bead, medium beads, and bell.
2. Tie the bell to end of your gut line. Hide the knot with a crimp and a large bead on top of the crimp.
3. Start to thread on coloured sticks in whatever pattern you please.
4. When you are done threading the sticks on the fishing line, place a large bead on top of the last stick and use a crimp to FIRMLY press the sticks in place.
5. Bead the remaining string as desired.
6. Crimp a loop at the end to hang your mobile.
7. Finished